Our arborists and pre-inspectors survey circuits for potentially
hazardous trees that may impact or interfere with the utility line. We evaluate line clearance to ensure
regulatory compliance. This data is then organized for the utility company to prioritize an action plan to
prevent potential hazards.

Notification Consulting
UPE Resources has implemented a two-step process when a potentially hazardous tree is located on private property. First, our Pre-Inspector attempts to make contact with the property owner. We require a written authorization from the property owner that details the prescribed work to alleviate any miscommunication regarding the work to be completed. If the pre-inspector is unable to obtain authorization for any reason, our next step is to have a trained Notification Consultant follow up for further clarification and resolution. This two-step method also ensures the pre-inspector continues on task and schedule.

• Over 100 branded trucks in our fleet
• Driver Safety Training for all employees
• GPS Location Tracking
• Speed Tracking for Safety
• All vehicles less than four years old
• 4×4 Offroad Vehicles
• All vehicles equipped with First aid Safety Gear

Over the past twelve years, UPE Resources, Inc has developed a comprehensive Safety Program utilized by our Pre-Inspection Team and Tree Work Crews. The Program includes:
• Proper PPE-Personal Protective Equipment
• Fire Tools and Equipment
• JSA – Job Safety Analysis Forms
• Tailgate Safety Meetings
• Quarterly Safety Meetings
UPE Resources, Inc. uses the Isnetworld Safety Program, and we currently maintain an A grade for both Southern California Edison and Pacific Gas and Electric. All employees carry an ISN badge at all times, as well as a company badge.